Pilot Compensation Comparison

Compare the overall yearly pay for pilots working with Air Canada, WestJet, and Delta Airlines. Use the options below to change the graph inputs and see how position, aircraft series, and monthly credit hours affect compensation.

Update Graph Inputs

(Default 75 for AC/Delta; use your desired value for WestJet)

Yearly Compensation Graph (2025 pilot pay tables)

Graph showing yearly pilot compensation by step

Additional Information

In Canada, pilots receive approximately 10,000 CAD$ in tax-free per diems per year. Most pilots fly an average of 75–85 hours per month, depending on overtime and scheduled flying.

In the United States, similar additional pay can be expected in US$, and generous profit sharing plans are available if the company performs well—plans that are generally not as generous or un-available (at AC) in Canada.

In addition, companies typically match around 10% of the yearly compensation towards retirement savings (via pension plans for WestJet and Air Canada and 401(k) plans in the U.S.).